Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

CBOs Share Ideas About Cross- Sector Partnering

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CBOs share ideas about cross-sector partnerships

More and more community based organizations (CBOs) are pursuing cross-sector partnership strategies and there is certainly no shortage of high-level content about why partnerships matter. But, the fact is that detailed information about what it really takes to succeed in cross-sector partnerships is still relatively hard to find.

So when the Aging and Disability Business Institute asked us to help them tell the stories of six CBOs who were flourishing in their cross-sector partnership strategies, we knew we wanted to do something different. We wanted to go beyond the ‘why’ to share practical and actionable insights about both the ‘what’ and the ‘how’.

We are happy to share these six in-depth success stories that highlight the hard work, lessons learned and outcomes achieved through strategic collaboration between CBOs and healthcare providers. And we think you’ll agree that these profiles showcase the specifics about what makes each of these partnerships work.

In these CBO success stories:

  • CICOA Aging & In-Home Solutions demonstrates how they tap into the power of data to activate services faster and deliver value in healthcare partnerships.
  • Elder Services of the Merrimack Valley reveals how they’ve transformed their culture into their secret ingredient for replicating successful healthcare partnership after partnership.
  • Boulder County Area Agency on Aging exemplifies how disciplined business development practices and an understanding of how to apply national know-how in their local market creates demand for their services among potential healthcare partners.
  • Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio describes their guiding principles for negotiation, and how they strike the balance between relationship development and good business decision making when it comes to cross-sector partnership development.  
  • Partners in Care Foundation explains how they built and now leverage a large-scale CBO network to improve health outcomes for one of California’s largest health plans.
  • Camarillo Health Care District’s story uncovers a set of common cross-sector partnership obstacles and looks at how this public agency addressed them in their own partnership initiatives.

Read all six profiles below or hit the Download button at the top of this post for a PDF version. And stay tuned for the rest of this series, coming soon.

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Lori Peterson

Lori launched Collaborative Consulting in 2010. With experience in the healthcare industry and a psychology and organizational development background, Lori’s focus areas include cross-sector partnership development, multi-stakeholder initiative design and facilitation, and change activation and implementation.