What We Do

Go beyond imagining the possibilities. We help clients turn strategic ideas into purposeful action and meaningful change.

Strategy development and implementation

Your strategy isn’t just a plan on paper. It’s your playbook for implementing change — whether to improve organizational performance, unlock new revenue streams, or launch new and better services for the people you serve.

We take a customized approach to incorporating external trends, organizational assessments, stakeholder perspectives, futures thinking practices, facilitated working sessions, and implementation structures so your strategy can help you meet your needs and achieve your goals.

Organizational assessment and capacity building

For change to stick, it must be embedded directly into how your organization works. We go beyond the limitations of traditional consulting models. Instead, we facilitate substantive dialogue, cultivate creativity, and build your internal capacity for acting on ideas. This approach leads to longer-lasting change.

You’ll understand your organizational needs, then develop the acumen, capabilities, systems, and structures you’ll need to successfully navigate the course to your desired future state.

Multi-stakeholder collaboration and facilitation

Strategic change often requires collaboration among stakeholders across multiple sectors. We can help you design and implement multi-stakeholder initiatives and cross-sector partnerships to provide a better experience for people and achieve better outcomes across targeted populations.

Regardless of where your organization fits into the health and social services ecosystem, we can help you understand and engage stakeholders, prioritize shared objectives, create productive partnerships, and collaborate on key initiatives.

Market and policy research, analysis, and insights

Driving change from inside your organization begins with understanding the nature of change outside your organization. This calls for a deeper understanding of changing community needs, the evolving competitive landscape, shifts in the market, and the ways in which similar organizations are already responding and seeing success.

Our robust, multi-method approach to market research, policy analysis, and trends will deliver the practical insights and promising practices you’ll need to make informed decisions and act with confidence.