Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration, Strategy

County of Marin Plans Its Age‑Forward Future

Old Woman Holding Her Husband by His Hand - Walking Outside on Streets

With adults 60+ projected to comprise more than one-third of Marin’s population by 2025, County leaders knew that they would need a comprehensive 5-year action plan that would ensure that their communities would be age-forward inclusive and livable for its aging population. To deliver on their commitment to an age-forward future, Marin County engaged Collaborative Consulting to help them better understand and address the needs of their community members.

Our work began with a multi-faceted assessment process, during which we fielded a county-wide survey, facilitated community-level focus groups, interviewed County leaders, and conducted additional state and local research. This resulted in input from more than 2,000 area residents, leaders and advocates and enabled us to identify key themes and define focus areas that would shape the action plan.

From there, we developed and documented a detailed set of action items across six priority areas – housing, mobility, community services, disaster preparedness, social connection and unincorporated areas. The resulting plan – titled Age Forward: A Framework for an Age-Friendly County of Marin – was introduced to and approved by the Marin County Board of Supervisors in January. It will now be submitted to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) as the official age-friendly action plan for Marin.

You can read more about this important initiative here.

With the plan complete, the County of Marin retained Collaborative Consulting to launch implementation during the following months, before transitioning management to a full-time internal resource.

Much of our work here at Collaborative Consulting is focused on helping organizations, communities, and counties better address the needs of aging populations. If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you design and deliver age-forward solutions for your constituents, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Author Image

Lori Peterson

Lori launched Collaborative Consulting in 2010. With experience in the healthcare industry and a psychology and organizational development background, Lori’s focus areas include cross-sector partnership development, multi-stakeholder initiative design and facilitation, and change activation and implementation.