Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

Three Shifts Needed for Productive Cross-Sector Partnerships

Three Shifts Needed for Productive Cross-Sector Partnerships

We know that stronger collaboration between the health and social sectors offers great potential for improving the quality of care and achieving better outcomes. But for organizations that have a long history of ‘going it alone,’ the very idea of cross-sector partnership requires the people inside those organizations to embrace new ways of thinking, behaving and working.

In the Spring 2018 edition of Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging, Erin and I share three important shifts in how healthcare and social sector leaders solve the complex challenges they face and address the needs of the populations they serve. These shifts are:

  • Believing the in potential of cross-sector partnerships
  • Seeing the whole system
  • Acting! (Even without a playbook)

Read “Shifts in Mindset and Practice Are Key to Cross-Sector Partnerships” to learn why we believe these three shifts are essential for success and our ideas for how you can start these shifts in your own organization. While you’re at it, be sure to check out the other practical, actionable articles in the latest 90-page edition of Generations.

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Lori Peterson

Lori launched Collaborative Consulting in 2010. With experience in the healthcare industry and a psychology and organizational development background, Lori’s focus areas include cross-sector partnership development, multi-stakeholder initiative design and facilitation, and change activation and implementation.